Cantine Di Dolianova Dolia Monica di Sardegna 2011

Recommendation: Not recoimmended

Winery/Producer: Cantine Di Dolianova; Dolianova, Italy

Grape Variety: Monica

Geographic Region, Appellation: Monica di Sardegna, Sicily & Sardinia, Italy

Vintage: 2011

Price: $9.59 (with a 20% discount)

Purchased From: Total Wine; Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Paired With: Grilled Salmon, baked beans and broccoli


    He said: Clear, dark ruby color with a slight brick red rim. Very light aromas of alcohol and dark berries. Unpleasant watery fruit taste that continues through the bitter medium-length finish. The acidity is way out of bounds and doesn’t get any better from the first taste to the last drip in the bottle. This $9.59 wine makes the Caleo Salice Salentino even better!!!!

    She said:


Alcohol: 14%